Semi Detached House for Sale in Mutxamel



Semi detached house in Mutxamel.
It has about 200m (approximately) distributed on 3 floors.

On the first floor we have a living room, separate kitchen with pantry, bathroom with shower and a bedroom.
On the second floor there are two more bedrooms and a balcony.
On the third floor we have a large room and terrace.

The house faces two different streets.

It has all the services nearby: bus stops, town hall, parks, supermarkets, schools, cafes...

If you would like to arrange a view or have any questions, please contact us.

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Reference: IMQ2007

Type of property: House

Constructed area: 200

Bedrooms: 4

Bathrooms: 1

Services: Trees, Buses, Schools, Pantry, Light, Terrace, Balcony, Balcony, Water, High ceilings

Contact Us

📞 682 347 393


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